« The kiss of the Prince »: Bringing Document Content to Life
Summary: We are using text and graphic editors or other technical means, such as cameras, recorders, as well as messaging channels, all of which allow us to produce a document, i.e. a resource for furnishing information evidence or proving the information authenticity. As a result we obtain a preservation of an idea, an announcement, an incident, a solution, an accuse, etc. that may become a subject of study and interpretation. This could be a printed photograph or a sheet of paper with printed text, graphics, or writings, all of which in their specific and individual combination bear the original or legal form of something. For almost 30 years, the IAPR series on Document Analysis Systems provided detailed and valuable insights into how to « bring to life » content from static documents using approaches from pattern recognition, signal processing, artificial intelligence and other disciplines. So far, it has been a successful series of workshops that generated a lot of new impetus for technologies that were now part of the offerings of companies or the basis for the success of startups. This talk will exemplarily address some of these technologies embedded in a historical DAS outline but also will highlight directions of the future.

A PDF version of the slides is available here.
Amphitheater of the building « Pôle Communication Multimédia Reseaux »
Wednesday 25 May 2022, 8h30-9h15
For more details, please check the Scientific Program of DAS 2022 (https://das2022.univ-lr.fr/index.php/scientific-program/)